Taking it Federal
Taking it Federal
If you missed it, the NSW Liberal Government was re-elected on Saturday. This only means one thing - to stop the flooding of the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area we need to take the campaign to the national level.
Here's how it works: If the NSW Government want to flood a world heritage site, they must (by law) get the permission of the Federal Environment Minister under the Commonwealth EPBC Act. The Federal Environment Minister has international obligations to protect world heritage sites, and will have the ultimate say on whether the dam raising goes ahead or not. Importantly, the Federal Environment Minister is yet to sign-off on the dam project - and won't be asked to until after the May federal election.
It is now prime time to pressure federal political parties to oppose the dam wall raising - as with the stroke of a pen, the dam can be stopped by the Federal Environment Minister.
We need to grow the campaign enormously before the upcoming federal election. Here's how you can get started:
DONATE - the campaign is up against big developer interests and cannot proceed without much needed funds. Be generous, running a national campaign will cost us many thousands of dollars.
EMAIL YOUR FEDERAL MP - ask your federal member of Parliament what their position is on the dam wall raising.
VOLUNTEER - volunteers are the backbone of the campaign. Sign up and become an advocate for wilderness in your area.
HOST A FILM SCREENING - the campaign film is now online! If you would like to host a film screening in your local area, let us know and we can assist you with campaign materials and publicity. Asking for small donations at screenings also helps the campaign a lot.
It's going to be a hard won fight, but we can win if thousands more Australians chip in to help our growing movement. A big thanks to all our supporters who have contributed so far - we would not be here without you.
Together we will stop this dam!