NSW Government’s own scientific committee condemns dam raising
NSW Government’s own scientific committee condemns dam raising
The NSW Environment Minister’s own advisory committee has spoken out against the proposed raising of Warragamba Dam wall.
The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Advisory Committee has called on the NSW Government to “carefully consider the adverse impacts on the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area”.
In a letter obtained by the Colong Foundation for Wilderness, the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Advisory Committee has told the NSW Environment Minister “The proposal to raise the Warragamba Dam wall will cause irreparable damage to these extraordinary wilderness areas and wild rivers, protected under legislation.”
It has further added “There is likely to be a negative impact on aesthetic values from various lookouts including McMahons and possibly Echo Point, accessed by millions of visitors annually. These values are a significant element of the regional tourism economy.”
The full letter can be found in the attached media release.
Harry Burkitt from the GIVE A DAM campaign said: “This is extraordinary. We now see a NSW Environment Minister ignoring the advice of government departments, Australia’s leading scientific experts, an international world heritage body, and now her own scientific committee - which she herself appointed.
“The NSW Environment Minister must resign. Gabrielle Upton can’t represent the interests of our state’s environment when she is prepared to support the destruction of a world heritage site in the face of mounting scientific advice.”
"It is now incumbent on the Federal Environment Minister, Melissa Price, to step in and stop this disastrous proposal from proceeding.
“The community campaign against the dam raising is growing rapidly. Since the beginning of this month we have seen thousands of people join the GIVE A DAM campaign in disgust over what the NSW Government wants to do to the Blue Mountains.
“Our petition against the proposal has just reached 15,000 people and is growing rapidly by the day. The Australian public clearly GIVE A DAM about world heritage being sacrificed for over development on western Sydney floodplains.”
Media contact:
Harry Burkitt
[email protected]
0490 010 909